Friday, March 26, 2010

SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY- hand made paper drying in the Mexican sun

Balcony at the Hacienda, Oaxaca, Mexico

Do visit HeyHarriet at Shadow Shot Sunday #97


  1. The paper-drying shot is particularly effective! You seem to be a natural photographic blogger! I'm glad we've met!

  2. Every time I look at this paper I wish I had some of it. The quality of paper is what has drawn me to printmaking, and this in particular looks
    very inviting. Hanging out to dry in this kind of a frame makes a great photo capture of how it is done there in the outdoors, as well as an interesting aesthetic shot.

  3. Very nice Shadow Shots. I especially like the first one. Hand-crafted paper is so special I love it...Have never seen it done in such quantity before though.

  4. Well, I just have to be different! I like the paper, but the balcony is my favorite!

  5. Welcome to the wonderful world of has changed my life...I too am an artist and love meeting like minds, at age 60 I think, where did the time go.

    You will never regret one moment of the friends you will meet here...I wish all of us Shadow Shooters could all meet in person. I feel I know each and every one personally now after a year of shadow chasing...

    Hope to visit again...have fun!

  6. Handmade paper as a canvas for shadows. Nice.

  7. The papermaker
    makes new pages carefully,
    dries them in hot sun.

    Shadowy, Worn Bricks

  8. Yes, yes! I too lust after that beautiful paper.
    Margaret G. alerted me to your blog.
    Yes, blogging is such fun.
    All best wishes and good luck.

  9. The shadows create an incredible landscape of patterns! Beautiful!



About Me

My photo
I am an artist and my new endeavor, this blog, is my latest attempt at communicating visually. My friend and fellow artist, Margaret Gosden, is my inspiration. Do check out her blog at and you will see why I want to do this. I work in several media. My formal training was in etching but I paint, I sculpt in clay, I draw. My best work, in my opinion, results from deeply felt emotions and I have flat files of unsold (but shown) works resulting from my reactions to difficult themes: Hiroshima, the rape of my good friend's daughter, my mother's death, 9/11, my lover's emaciated body before he died. I work through my distress by managing it on paper and canvas. I take vacations from the angst and make images that sometimes people want to hang on their walls. So I am not a totally starving artist. I will turn 70 in June and I can't believe it. What happened? I feel 40, at the oldest, and hope that is how I present myself. I try to keep an open mind, try to accept what comes, try to be kind. I look forward to joining a conversation with other bloggers and learn from them.